Writing, editing, and marketing for the outdoor world.
Alex Ford offers traditional journalism, narrative non-fiction, SEO-driven content, and the short-form style required for marketing, social media, and blogging. He currently manages digital marketing for a number of different outdoor companies in the fishing and skiing industries.
See Ford-Hamilton.com for Marketing Services
Billfish Royal Slam: Full Feature in Fly Fisherman
In most sports, there is a challenge that borders on impossible. A grand slam of sorts. For golfers and tennis players, it’s all four majors over a career. Mountain climbers try to summit all seven highest peaks on each continent. Baseball pitchers aim for a perfect game. But nobody likes a grand slam more than the fly fishing community…
Very excited to be published in Issue 9.3 of the Fly Fish Journal!
“Nah, these won’t do for triggers,” says Keith Rose-Innes, thumbing through my box of stainless steel bonefish flies. “They’ll bite right through that.”
Rose-Innes, who was among the first to pioneer flyfishing in the Seychelles, knows from experience the power of our target species for the week: triggerfish. A box of green-and-white crab flies on a shelf are made with special-order tungsten hooks. He pulls it down and hands me a few...
The flight from Vancouver to Terrace, British Columbia is one of the best in the world. It’s 1 hour and 45 minutes of pure glacial and mountain porn, interrupted only briefly by a winding logging road or a mysterious cabin...
At 17 feet long, Frank’s shark was the biggest fish ever caught on rod and reel. There was a bit of controversy over the catch...
Fly Fishing for Sustainability: Indifly
There is a common misconception that economic progress must come at the cost of the environment...